Nutriqa Superfood Journal

This is Why You Should Drink Matcha Tea!

This is Why You Should Drink Matcha Tea!

What is exactly matcha?

It is a green tea of ​​Japanese origin, grown and processed in a special way, partly under the shade of a tea plant. In the 9th century, Zen Buddhist monks began consuming it to support their meditation.

Its consumption thus dates back centuries of tradition. It is now spreading around the world and gaining popularity as an important component of healthy life style.

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But what does make this tea so special?

The secret of Matcha tea lies in its cultivation and processing!

Prior to harvesting they shade the entire tea plantation for 2-3 weeks. This slows down photosynthesis, the plant begins to produce an enormous amount of chlorophyll and nutrients, resulting in a beautiful green color and leaves rich in vitamins and amino acids.

After harvesting, a short (15-20 sec) steaming is typical to Japanese teas, which helps to preserve the bright green color and nutritional value ​​of the leaves.

Afterwards, the leaves are slowly cooled and dried in multiple steps.

Green tea leaves are ground to a powder. As a result, the cell walls in the leaf split, which can later dissolve when mixed with water.

This is how we consume the whole tea leaf and get all the beneficial effects of green tea!


What are these positive effects and why should you drink Matcha tea daily?

It has an invigorating effect that lasts longer due to the slower absorption of caffeine. This is why many people use it instead of coffee.

They do this also because, thanks to the fiber content of Matcha green tea powder, it boosts metabolism and at the same time stimulates fat breakdown.

Did you know that by consuming Matcha tea, your body can burn up to four times as many calories?

Our tip: consume it just before your workout, as this will allow you to burn 25% more fat!

So if weight loss is your goal, you should also get our Matcha powder to get the desired result as soon as possible!

However, we do recommend it not only for those who want to lose weight! Matcha tea can also help to stabilize blood sugar levels and ensure proper digestion. It may help to prevent cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure and „bad”  cholesterol

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Extremely effective detoxifier!

As already mentioned, its green color is given by the chlorophyll in it, which is an effective blood cleanser and detoxifier. In addition, it can neutralize carcinogens that enter the body before they can harm the body.

Thanks to the L-theanine amino acid it contains, it also has a mild sedative effect. This increases concentration and mental alertness, while reducing stress! Its high antioxidant content may help to slow down the aging process and maintain a healthy skin!


It is most often consumed mixed with warm milk or water as a delicious coffee replacement.

However, you can put Matcha powder into almost anything! Among our recipes, for example, you will find Matcha Pesto, which is worth trying!

Now you are convinced to use Matcha powder, aren’t you? Order our 60g Matcha green tea powder for home, consume it daily and enjoy its beneficial effects!

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