Nutriqa Superfood Journal

About Superfoods

About Superfoods

Discover a new level of healthy living! - Superfoods

Why are superfoods the exciting side of healthy eating?

Imagine waking up, making your favorite smoothie, and adding a spoon of spirulina. You’re halfway into your next online meeting or task of the day, but you’re already filling up your body with nutrients equal to 1kg of carefully assorted fruit and vegetables. This is why NASA's astronauts have also started to eat spirulina; they’ve found it to be one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Getting exciting, isn't it?

Luckily, the toxic and unhealthy diet culture is beginning to come to an end. The focus is now not on calorie counting, but the nutrient content of food. We’ve started to look at eating as an act of fueling our body with precious nourishment. Isn’t that both natural and heart-warming?

So why are superfoods so super?

The name “superfood” isn’t a new term that’s been created on Instagram by some enthusiastic influencer. The expression can be found entered in the Oxford Dictionary as early as 1915. In fact, most of these superfoods have been used for thousands of years in Eastern medicine, but only recently (i.e. the ‘90s) gained wider popularity on the West side of the planet.

Superfoods are super because: 1) they contain significantly more nutrients than other foods and 2) they’re extremely high in antioxidants. However, they have many other benefits as well. One of the major advantages of superfoods is that there are so many, it’s actually challenging to name them all.

So why are they such a catch?


  • have high antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral contents
  • are true boosters of the immune system and energy
  • may successfully eliminate inflammation
  • might enhance mood and effectively help against depression
  • can support digestion
  • have an effect in regulating blood sugar, according to more and more studies
  • can help in losing weight
  • might be the new miracle in preventing diseases (viruses and bacteria)
  • can help in fighting cancer, as supported by greater and greater proof

What other benefits do superfoods offer?

So obviously they’re super-duper healthy. However, what else convinces so many people to start using superfoods?

Nourishing the body and mind

Besides being physically healthy, nutrient-rich meals can have a huge effect on our mental health. Many superfoods can be extremely valuable when it comes to treating stress, fatigue, or depression. Taking care of our mental state is just as important as having a healthy body.

Easy, quick, high-quality nutrition with versatility

Thanks to their growing popularity, it’s no longer challenging to find superfoods in even the smallest of cities. Plus, once we buy them, we can find tons of recipes and tips on how to prepare them or add them to our regular meals. There are almost endless possibilities! Let’s just think of our organic mushroom blends: do you want to add them to your coffee or tea? Or would you prefer to enhance one of your main dishes or sauces with them? Go on, you’re free to experiment! Their versatility is probably one of the reasons these goodies have gained such huge popularity.

They’re a pleasure to the eyes and tongue

One thing will never change: our love for beautiful and tasty food! With the right ingredients, superfoods can be incredibly delicious as well! Something can be amazingly healthy or nutritious, but if it isn’t tasty, we won’t keep it on our shelves for long (or it’ll stay there forever!) One of the cornerstones of becoming healthy is maintaining a new habit in the long run. Thankfully, superfoods can be really beautifully presented, which adds to the pleasure (I'm secretly dreaming of that beautifully crafted acai bowl now!) Just take a look at all the Instagram posts about #superfoods and you’ll see what we mean!

Great source for vegetarians

For vegetarians, some superfoods can be the main source of much-needed nutrition! For example, hemp seeds, rice protein, chlorella, and spirulina are rich in protein, while medicinal mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D.

Superfood powders - even more possibilities

To make the consumption of superfoods even easier, powdered options are a truly convenient way of revolutionizing your diet. They literally blend into your life without any major change in lifestyle. Also, let’s not forget that, for many of us, eating some of these nutritious raw fruit and veg can take a huge effort. How cool is it that you can now just add some matcha, chlorella, or spirulina into your drinks, smoothies, salad dressings, desserts, or main dishes and get a highly nutritious drink or dish in return!

Other interesting facts about superfoods:

The best part of superfoods is that many of them are adaptogens, which means they can adapt to your body’s needs. They can calm us - studies say they might also help us fight insomnia while simultaneously boosting our reaction time, memory, and energy. Isn’t that what everyone wants? Basically, adaptogens are all-in-one solutions! Say bye-bye to the never-ending cycle of coffee and sedatives!

  • Camu Camu contains 60 times more Vitamin C than an orange.
  • Libido problems? Maca and Ashwagandha may help to enhance the sex drive.
  • Spirulina - thanks to its vivid color - is also being used for food coloring.

In the past year more than ever, we’ve realized how important it is to stay strong and healthy. After all, there’s no better guard against many viruses than our immune system. COVID-19 has shown that we can’t always rely on medicines and vaccines – sometimes, the only thing we can trust is our own health.

Superfoods are the tools available to fill our days with an amazing amount of nutrients - and a lot of people still don’t know about them! Our mission is to change this and let people know how exciting it can be to nourish the body with a variety of superfoods.

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