Nutriqa Superfood Journal

Dilemmas of plant-based diet

Dilemmas of plant-based diet

Numerous clinical research results, case studies and personal experience prove the absolutely positive effects of a plant-based diet on our health. In addition to all this, the ethical and environmental aspects of the vegan lifestyle are also unquestionable.

The question arises, how much of what should we eat in order to have a balanced diet if we are practicing a vegan lifestyle?

There is no strict rule of thumb, but the following recommendations are worth considering.

If you decide to completely switch to a plant-based diet, you must be very careful about the right proportion and amount of nutrient intake, which can be obtained from vegetables, fruits, nuts plant proteins, whole grains or even plant oils.

The first and most important thing is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day (if possible, organic ones), since we get most of the vital dietary fibers and vitamins from them.

It is also important to have a large daily intake of whole grains (if possible, also organic and gluten-free), which contain useful carbohydrates, minerals, and trace elements.

Furthermore, our body needs a higher proportion of (plant) protein, which can be provided mainly by legumes, lentils, tofu or cereals.

If, for example, you are a "meat-eater", "alleater" or even flexitarian, it is recommended to keep the quantity/proportion of animal-sourced foods at the lowest possible level, and consume a minimal amount of them.

Overall, therefore, variety and balance are important, which applies to all diets.

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