Nutriqa Superfood Journal

The Effect Of Protein On Our Body

The Effect Of Protein On Our Body

You might think of bodybuilders and professional athetes when you hear the word „protein” but the thing is : it is not only them who need it.

Protein is essential for building human cells, it is very important for everyone.

What impact does it exactly have on our body?

Proteins are macronutrients. There are many different proteins types in our body and each of them have different functions.

Apart of contributing to muscle growth they are partially involved in the proper functioning of the immune system and play an important role in the regeneration of micro-injuries happening during muscle work.


Furthermore, they are involved in everything at the cellular level as well. It would be difficult for our bodies to thrive without them, as they perform transportation functions between organs.

Like carbohydrates, proteins can be absorbed by the body fast and slowly. Food contain mainly slow-absorption proteins, as their fat and fiber content slows down the incorporation of proteins.

There are animal and plant-based proteins.

Meat, fish, dairy products and eggs have a high protein content. The same goes for vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, and various oilseeds.

In addition to various foods, however, it is also worth consuming protein powders as a supplement. From the Nutriqa products, you can choose from two types of plant-based powders, which you can add to your food or consume in the form of a smoothie at any time of the day!

Organic Hemp Seed Protein Powder

Hemp is a high-quality vegan protein that contains all nine essential amino acids. In addition, it has a high content of fiber, healthy fat and minerals.

Researchers believe that hemp is easily digestible because it contains proteins that can be broken down quickly by the human body. Hemp protein powder is a great way to add protein and fiber to your diet.


Our hemp seed protein powder can aid digestion processes, contribute to hair and skin health, reduce stress and insomnia, and have a muscle building effect.

Organic Rice Protein Powder

Another super product from Happy Naturals is rice protein powder, which is a muscle-building, easily digestible plant protein. It can stabilize blood sugar levels and regulate cholesterol levels as well as have a fat burning effect!

Our proteins do not contain any fillers or sweeteners! Feel free to add it to your smoothie, breakfast porridge or even soups.

rice protein

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5 Superfoods Against Depression

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