Nutriqa Superfood Journal

5 Tips To Make Your Everyday Life More Energetic

5 Tips To Make Your Everyday Life More Energetic

Has spring fatigue got to you as well? You can barely get out of bed in the morning and have no energy for anything during the day? You can overcome this!

Use our simple tips to fill yout days with energy!

1. Go to bed on time!

The human body is designed to be active during the day

and rest at night. Experts say that the ideal time to rest is during the darkest part of the day, which is between 10pm and 6am.

Furthermore, our brains, bodies, and all our organs regenerate between 11 pm and 7 am.

However, if you regularly go to bed later or get up much earlier, some of your organs will not be able to rest properly and work with renewed vigour. So, no question why it is worth wearing pajamas before midnight!


If you stick to earlier sleep routine before midnight or even before 11pm and sleep at least for 8 hours, you will be much more focused and energetic the next day. Just give it a try!

2. Start your morning well!

Even after getting enough sleep you still wake up tired and turn on the coffee machine right away?

Put this habit aside! After getting up, squeeze a lemon, pour it in lukewarm water and drink it! It instantly refreshes, energizes your body and triggers digestion and metabolism. And a good start of the morning affects your whole day!


Regular consumption of lemon water can help cleanse your body of toxins and other harmful substances.

Lemon is full of vitamin C, one of the most effective nutrients when it comes to boosting your immune system, you have already taken some of the recommended daily amount with your lemon water in the morning. And you can always add Camu Camu powder to water and any other cold or lukewarm drink during the day to upgrade your C-vitamin intake significantly.

3. Move!

No big news here. Regular exercise indeed affects your body.


Sport is not yet a part of your life? You don’t have to start huge workouts right away. Instead, have a long walk once or twice a week and then gradually add some exercise too!

This way you can also improve your blood circulation and the function of your lymphatic system and as a result will feel better and more energetic!

If you feel out of energy during the day, go for a walk in the fresh air instead of taking long naps in the afternoon.

4. Cut back on carbs!

Consuming high-carbohydrate food only increases mental activity in the short term; this is why you feel tired and sleepy after eating it. In contrast, a protein-rich diet keeps you awake as the protein is in the neuronal group that maintains the brain’s alertness and increases its function.

hemp protein

If you eat a high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet, you will become more alert, your mental performance will increase, and any drowsiness that may occur after meals will also cease.

For this, we recommend the easily digestible plant protein powders of Happy Naturals, which you can also eat with your usual meals or smoothie. You can read about the importance of protein in our previous article.

5. Consume spirulina

The spirulina plant is a rich source of vitamins, proteins and amino acids that will help revitalize your body at the cellular level.

It is also sometimes referred to as „green meat” because 60 percent by weight is a complete protein. And as we’ve written above, a protein-rich diet makes you more energetic, so spirulina algae powder also boosts your energy levels!

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Furthermore, it can alkalize the blood and detoxify the body from heavy metals. It contains extremely high concentrations of antioxidants, vitamins and essential trace elements, in addition to which it contains minimal amounts of calories and easily digestible carbohydrates.

We are Celebrating World Health Day Worldwide On April 7th.
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