Superfood Recipes

Maca Muffins

Maca Muffins

Sooo nutritious, sooo healthy and sooo yummy....these muffins are just perfect. Especially for breakfast. They will fuel you with energy and great mood for the whole day!


1 cup mashed banana
1 flax egg or regular egg
3 table spoons of Organic Maca powder
1 table spoon of Organic Cacao powder
1 table spoons of Organic Rice protein powder
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 tea spoon of vanilla extract
1/4 cup plant-based milk
1 cup oat flour
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 tea spoon cinnamon 
1/4 tea spoon sea salt
2 tea spoon Baking powder


Mix the dry and wet ingredients separately first and then combine all. Grease and muffin tin with coconut oil and fill it up with the batter. There should be around 12 muffins. Bake at 175°C degrees for max. 25 mins. Oven must be pre-heated.

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