Nutriqa Superfood Journal

We are Celebrating World Health Day Worldwide On April 7th.

We are Celebrating World Health Day Worldwide On April 7th.

On that day the World Health Organization (WHO) started operating in 1948. In honor of this, we are celebrating World Health Day worldwide on April 7th.


The purpose of the celebration is to draw people’s attention to the importance of maintaining overall health.

Health is not just a lack of disease. It is a state of total physical, mental, and social well-being that is in harmony with the environment.

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The factor that has the greatest impact on health is our lifestyle, including nutrition and exercise. The soul and the body do interact. And this physical and mental health is not only good for yourself, but also exemplary for your environment.

Creating the right lifestyle is up to you! We help you with Nutriqa products, but the decision is in your hands!


All of our plant powders have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Their daily consumption nourishes both : your body and your soul.

After all, Nutriqa Superfoods brand was created to help you get in the best shape! All you need to do is add nutritious and delicious superfoods to your favorite foods and drinks every day. Let`s take wheatgrass or spirulina as examples.


Wheatgrass is the grass of the fresh wheat plant, which also has anti-cancer properties!

Its healing properties were discovered by the Egyptians 5,000 years ago. It was almost completely unknown in Western cultures until the chemist Charles F. Schnabel conducted an experiment and gave the grass to a dying chicken. The hens not only recovered, but began to lay eggs much more often than before. Wheatgrass has quickly become popular with health-conscious people and especially celebrities.


Many people started noticing its benefits, such as increased energy levels, tighter skin, or improved digestion. Well, it is not surprising.

It is low in calories but rich in amino acids, proteins, vitamin A, C, E, K and B complexes and minerals. It also contains enzymes that help our bodies break down and absorb nutrients.

It is one of the best known sources of chlorophyll to help cleanse and build the blood. One of our favorite ways to consume is a wheatgrass “shot”! But it can also be mixed into salad dressings or smoothies.


If we mention the formation of the World Health Organization, we believe it is important to mention Spirulina as well.


And why? Because this bluish-green algae has been recognized as a superfood by various international organizations, including the WHO.

The organization says: "Mankind’s best health supplement of the 21st century."

Not coincidentally, as it has many beneficial properties: it boosts immune function, contributes to lower cholesterol, better vision, better digestion and much more.

It can also alkalize the blood and detoxify the body from heavy metals. It contains extremely high concentrations of antioxidants, but the list of vitamin and trace element contents is also very wide: B1, B3, C, D, E, calcium-iron, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, etc.

We can confidently add Spirulina to healthy smoothies, but we can also experiment and prepare healthy snacks. With the right ingredients like nut butters, oats, plant-based milk and fruits, Spirulina’s taste is opening up in a beautiful way.

Today is perfect for changing your lifestyle and paying more attention to your health!

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